How It Works
Students are Screened, and Guided to Care
High School students can complete the Portages Self Assessment and a brief screening of current substance use, anxiety, and depression symptoms. Students can participate in a brief intervention with a Portages Care Navigator if concerns are flagged, and be guided to care with Portages Health or other community providers if indicated.
Students Begin Using the Portages Mobile App
All High School students who complete a screen and their parents / guardians can enroll in our free, secure, and private Portages mobile app. They are guided through a personalized self-care mental health and wellbeing program. Administrators can use use the Population Dashboard to view de-identified aggregated student population data to better understand the population’s mental health and wellbeing needs and enable proactive strategies to meet them.
Students Link with Family and Friends
Students can invite parents / guardians, close family, and friends to privately and securely link with them using the Portages app to collaborate and support one another on their shared journeys to improved mental health and wellbeing.
Students Directly Access Portages Health
With the push of a button in the Portages mobile app, students can seamlessly access Portages Health to receive extraordinary care for stress, anxiety, depression, and/or substance abuse. They can access virtual care services from their own private location at home, school, or wherever is most convenient for them.
We collaborate with schools to inform and obtain parents / guardian consent for participation in Portages screening and services.
Check out how Portages can help Kids at Risk
Michael Tikkanen, President and Executive Director of KARA (Kids at Risk Action) has launched a program offering the Portages mobile app and Portages Coaching to youth at risk.
To Get Started
Download the Portages Mobile App
Download the Portages app from the App Store or get it on Google Play. Anyone can use the app for free for the first month and then it is just $6 per month. If you are a patient of Portages Health, or have been enrolled in the app by your health care provider or organization, then it is always free.

“ With Portages, I am able to handle different amounts at different times of the day depending on where I am that day and how I am feeling, it is customized to and for me.”
Contact us.
(612) 284-3220